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来源:2exam.com 2013-1-31 21:40:04



1. Most people eat, write, and work with their fight hands. 大多数人吃饭,写字,工作都用右手。

    2. Only by working hard can we succeed in doing everything. 只有努力,才能成功

    3. Take it easy, you will be all right in a couple of days.。 别担心,你两天之内就会痊愈的。

    4. The brothers differ from each other in their interests. 这几个兄弟各有所好。

    5. Although we can't see these atoms, they really do exist. 虽然我们看不见原子,但它们的确存在。

    6. I am familiar with the casual atmosphere in the company. 我对公司中这种放松的氛围感到很熟悉。

    7. The Beatles represented part of the spirit of their age. 甲壳虫乐队代表了他们时代的部分精神。

    8. There being no one to help me, I had to do it all alone. 因为没有人帮助我,我不得不独立完成这项工作。

    9. How much cloth does it take to make a skirt for the girl? 女孩做一条裙子要用多少布?

    10. With all these mouths to feed, he didn't know what to do. 由于有那么多人要供养,他不知道怎么办才好。


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